Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Navy SEAL's Prosecution

As a veteran and American, this story outrages me!!! This allegedly occurred in 2004 and somehow in 2009, this is coming to the attention of the public. Hmmmmm! Go figure! As a true conservative, and with all due respect, John McCain was wrong. Enhanced interrogation techniques ARE NOT TORTURE, they are national security techniques! These heroes are being court marshaled for a "fat lip". Do you think this terrorist would have given these SEALS a "fat lip"? NO, he would have given them a dull sword to the neck! What happened to common sense? We aren't even using the old testament "eye for an eye" philosophy. I assume by this story, if we capture OBL and we give him a fat lip, our brave men and women will have charges brought against them. Then here's my suggestion, don't capture him, KILL HIM (without busting his lip of course)! Liberals complain about the cost of the wars. Well here is a way to save a little money, decorate them not prosecute them!! Please contact every branch and department of the federal government related to this and express your outrage!!

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